Elżbieta Kuźniar 'IMMATERIALISM'

opening: 16/06/2023
exhibition: 16/06/2023 – 30/06/2023

Is it possible to experience matter at all, when everything that is material does not exist, and only spiritual, mental, immaterial space is present? Today’s times, which particularly determine man through matter, often distract attention from what is material to them. Immaterialism as a current in philosophy says that there is no matter as a non-thinking, not directly perceived substance, which is the basis of sensual qualities, such as shape, movement or color. According to immaterialism, the objects that we perceive exist in reality and are only a combination of sensual qualities, and the basis of their existence is not matter, but mind (identified with spirit).

The works shown at the exhibition are a form of correspondence and a dialogue between these two worlds – material and immaterial. It is an attempt to balance between extra-physical delicacy and transience, and materiality. My exhibition is inspired by nature, the materials I have chosen, i.e. linen, felt, cotton, metal – are also of natural origin.

My works were created as a result of my love for matter and materiality, and their inspiration was the spiritual, unknowable space, which I divided into three areas: Earth, Sky, Black Matter. Undoubtedly, my favorite space to explore is the sky. For me, the space of the sky is the quintessence of what is momentary, fleeting, unintentional, and at the same time what is permanent, unchanging and orderly. In my opinion, the sky is a mysterious and surprising space. Seen from the Earth, it is often an abstract collection of shapes and colors, a mysterious space that stimulates the imagination, giving a multidimensional possibility of interpretation. A place where the knowable meets the inscrutable. The earth seen from the sky is an endless, mysterious matter. My Immaterialism is an attempt to record perceptions, observations, experiences of the surrounding reality, cultural code. Touching the unknowable and recording in immaterial matter.


Elżbieta Kuźniar

Elżbieta Kuźniar

Elżbieta Kuźniar – graduated with honors (diploma in painting) in 2004, defended her doctorate in 2017. She has participated in over 200 exhibitions, winner of several awards. He deals with painting, fabric, site specific, land art. Her works have been exhibited, among others: Deutches Textilmuseum, Krefeld, Germany /Tuch + Technik Textilmuseum, Neumuenster, Germany / MIAT, Gent, Belgium / Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź / Musee des Beaux-Arts, Tournai, Belgium / Museum of Krakow / Contextiles, Portugal. The works are in public collections, including: The textile-collection of the Szombathelyi Képtár mini-textiles, Hungary / Association Histoires de Boites a Couture, France / IFC, Department of Art & Art History, Alabama, USA / Fiber Art Jersey Girl New Jersey, USA / Musee des Tapiserie de Tournai, Belgium / S.A.C.S – Quiliano, Savona, Italy / Museum of Crafts, Krosno / Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź / Museum of the City of Gdynia / Architects of Air, Great Britain / Osten Biennial of Drawing, Macedonia / Textile Shetland Museum, UK / Contextile, Portugal / Book Art Museum in Łódź / International textile art. project, Canada / Winniki Archaeological Museum, Lviv, Ukraine / Nadel & Faden, Osnabrueck, Germany

Art Gallery
"W Przyziemiu"

ul. Starowiślna 36
31-032 Kraków

+ 48 690 303 602

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